Archive Collection Live
What Running Teaches Me About Weaving
Textile & Body: The Flesh, The Tactile
Workshops Workshops Workshops!
A Textile Cyborg Manifesto
The dawn of the Textile Cyborg
Work In Progress
It really is November!
What is my quest?
This one took me a while.
19 August: Backstrap Weaving Workshop
Mini Weaving Documentary - WATCH HERE!
Am I a quitter?
Studio update
Weaving at the Barbican!
The woven object
Emotions as Personas
A week to go & Loom Kits are LIVE!
Cheeky Cheetos Climbing Bag
I'm making Loom Kits
#4 Reflecting on 2022
Today: Last Christmas Orders & CRISPS on tour
Quick lil email: Christmas shipping
#3: CRISPS Collection, what to expect
#2 So, why crisps?
#1 The welcome